Financial Services Scale Trigger Based Marketing

Data & insights drive success in capitalizing on lifestyle changes

Traditionally, Canadians have shown a preference for sticking with the bank they’ve used forever. However, analysts have recently reported on a trend in banking that indicates consumers are now more likely to consider switching.

A 2021 survey conducted by Statista reports that nearly 20% of Canadians are likely to switch banks in the near future, and the number is growing within younger generations.

When it comes to banking, switching is often triggered by a major lifestyle change like having a baby, retiring, buying a new car, or moving homes. Identifying and reaching Canadian consumers in that moment of consideration represents opportunity for Canada’s banks. 

In any case, banks know a great deal about their customers behaviours financially. Often trigger events can be teased out of the transactions. Other triggers begin externally. Listing a home for sale would be a strong indication a customer or prospect may be in the market for a mortgage or home insurance.

1. Elevate insight

IntelligentVIEW offers virtually instantaneous segmentation, profiling, and mapping of trigger audiences so you can literally see where your prospective customers live, understand their media preferences and target specific segments among them with relevant messaging.

Additionally, intelligentVIEW is powered by the industry’s only postal code level data sets that are optimized and updated quarterly. Yes, intelligentVIEW is updated four times a year with the most up to date postal code projections for maximizing your market opportunity in Canada.

2. Build and leverage actionable audiences

Data sets or lists with traditional intent or trigger data have been around forever, yet major barriers such as size, accuracy, and privacy compliance often limit the ability to scale. CiG has developed data modules specific to crucial lifestyle triggers that may lead to a change in one’s banking, and includes the necessary insight into effective campaign timing.

Furthermore, the Pre-Mover Module consists of a comprehensive national bi-weekly data feed of newly listed homes with all of depth of information of the real estate listing. Are you only interested in targeting homes of a certain value or size? No problem. Want to target these street addresses digitally? Keep reading…

3. Improve media efficiency and acquisition ROI

Finally, the intelligentVIEW platform drives action. It not only delivers perpetually refreshed data, but it also provides the critical – and until recently, missing – next step, connecting your insights and audiences directly to media.

CiG, by connecting Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs) to the individual’s rooftop, intelligentVIEW can provide data that offers the geographical precision of direct mail campaigns combined with the speed of digital advertising.

Constantly refreshed lead generation with analytics available in seconds also means a scalable process, shorter lead time and the ability to act quickly on new opportunities.

Insight driven, precise trigger marketing programs delivered rapidly at scale both online and offline.

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