Competitive insights that drive results.

Enhanced insights for your strategy, media, and creative teams.

intelligentVIEW AdSpot

IntelligentVIEW AdSpot tracks and monitors national media activity through web crawlers, audio recognition, OCR, and image recognition technologies.

Media channels include:

TV Stations
0 +
Radio Stations
80 +
210 +
0 +
Daily Newspapers
0 +

Competitive Monitoring & Pre-built Insights Reports

By adding intelligentVIEW AdSpot, your team gains instant access to real-time competitive intelligence.

Brand, Market & Channel Share Report​

What competitive brands are actively advertising?

What media are they using?

What are the trends?

Who and where are they targeting?

How does my share of voice compare?

Creative Report

View, listen, track, and share the latest creative.

Track a competitor brand or product in defined markets and channels.

Creative is available from any time period.

Receive instant updates on competitive activity in the last 24 hours.

Sales Impact

Measure campaign and sales performance in parallel.

Overlay reports with 1st-party sales and/or traffic data to analyze impact.

Collision Reporting

Know when a manufacturer’s product is going head-to-head within a competitor retailer.

Ready to take a closer look?

Spend some time reviewing a sample report on your own, or request a demo to see what intelligentVIEW can do to power your marketing programs.